We gather as a community of faith to worship each Sunday at 10:30 am. Our worship is about praising and glorifying God in our song and in our silence, as we listen, share and learn together, as we pray and offer ourselves in service, as we fellowship and greet one another in God’s name.
Everyone is welcome in our worship including children. We do have a nursery for babies and toddlers in the chapel at the back of the church. Children (ages 2-10) begin worship with their families and are invited to come forward during the first part of the service for a special time for children. Most Sundays they then leave for their Sunday School classes. About 8 times a year we invite the older children to remain in worship with us. (See our information sheet “A Parent’s Guide to Santiago Community Church” about children’s ministries at SCC). Our youth occasionally have Sunday School.
Communion is celebrated on the first and third Sundays of each month, and is open to believers of all Christian denominations.
A choir leads our singing most weeks. They practice on Thursday nights at 6:45 pm and before the Sunday morning service at 9:45 am. We invite and encourage those with other musical gifts to share them throughout the year. Many of our songs are ancient or modern hymns, which we sing accompanied by an organ. Other music comes from various styles from around the world and is sung accompanied by piano or guitar.
Special services throughout the year include Maundy Thursday (Thursday of Holy Week), Good Friday, Easter (sunrise service), Remembrance Day, Christmas Carol Service, Christmas Eve (candlelight service) and Christmas Day.
Following Sunday services we meet in the hall for a time of fellowship with coffee, tea and juice. This is a time to get to know each other. We encourage newcomers to join us so we can welcome and get to know you.