Giving to SCC

Offertories / Collections

An offertory is taken during most services. Unless otherwise specified, the income received in the offertory goes directly towards supporting our ministry. Some Sundays the main offertory or a second offertory may be taken in aid of a specific cause or charity. All contributions are very welcome, but please feel no pressure to give if you are unable or do not wish to do so.

On the last Sunday of the month, the children’s time generally includes a “noisy offering” which is an opportunity to give your loose change for the Sunday School outreach projects.


We invite members and friends to consider committing support to SCC in an ongoing regular fashion. We believe giving forms an integral part of our Christian discipleship.

We run an annual Stewardship Campaign in October/November which invites regular members and friends to review how they commit their contibution of time, talent and treasure to the ministry at SCC for the upcoming year.

Please see our current Stewardship page for more information on the process and consider the different ways you can contribute at any time during the year.

One-off donations

Some people feel called to make one-off specific donations or contributions:

  • towards a church project
  • on a special occasion
  • in memory of someone
  • as a legacy or in a will

Bank details

To make a financial donation to our church’s ministry locally via bank transfer, please use the following bank details:

  • Bank: Santander
  • Cta Cte.: 02-66793-2
  • Santiago Community Church / RUT: 71.522.900-5
  • e-mail:

If you wish to make a financial donation from the States and in USD, here’s the relevant information: