Outreach and Service

Outreach program

SCC is committed to reaching out beyond our own congregation to serve our neighbors in Santiago, in Chile and in the world. SCC is pleased to give at least 10% of its operating budget to various causes and projects. We also encourage our members and friends to be involved in hands-on mission opportunities.

Financial Giving includes:

  • Local, National and International disaster relief funds through the Salvation Army.

Sunday, November 17th, in conclusion of our Service of Holy Communion during our Fellowship Time in the Church Hall :

SCC’s Hands-On Projects include:

Always helping
  • Habitat for Humanity – We participate in four to five builds per year in which we help low-income families build houses.
  • Fundacion Crescendo – We assist with the upkeep of the garden at the workshop, as well as interact with the participants. We also provide occasional care for residents in the group home and support the center’s fundraising projects.
  • Hogar La Granja – We collect monthly donations to be put towards toiletries and cleaning products for the home, as well as provide special outings for the girls.