Santiago Community Church (SCC) is an international, interdenominational Protestant congregation serving the English-speaking community.
We are an international congregation with active attendees from over twenty countries. A large number of our members are native Chileans or long-term residents. However, we also have ex-pats from many other countries that are here in Chile for various reasons, some for as little as a day and others for many years. All are welcome.
We are an interdenominational congregation. The roots of the congregation include Anglican, Presbyterian and Methodist (see our church history page for more background information). However, for the last 30 plus years we have been intentionally an interdenominational church, that is, we have no one denominational connection. In fact, we are a completely independent church. This does not mean we are anti-denominational or opposed to denominations. Many members and active attendees still claim their denominational heritage. We find the diversity of background enriches our life together as we all claim our primary allegiance to Christ. So, all are welcome.
We do claim the Protestant label to identify some of the basic aspects of the faith we proclaim. We declare that Jesus of Nazareth is Savior and Lord. Jesus, the Son of God, through his life, death, and resurrection, came to the world to bring new life and salvation to all. The gift of salvation and wholeness comes to us from the grace of God (that is, as a gift) and not because of our human goodness or works. Yet, we know that God calls us and empowers us to do “good works.”
God is love and we seek to be part of God’s work in the world to reveal that love in our words and our deeds. We understand that God has revealed Godself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, a concept known as the Trinity.
We look to the Bible as our authority on matters of faith and practice. We affirm many of the universal church’s affirmations of faith such as the Apostles Creed and Nicene Creed, which we sometimes use in our worship services along with many other more recent confessions of faith.
While we are Protestant in orientation, we also have those who come regularly who consider themselves as Roman Catholics, Orthodox, nondenominational, and seekers (those who are not even certain they are Christian or want to be Christians). Our affirmations are not declared to push our members or attendees to uniformity of belief, but rather to help all who seek to follow Jesus to move towards conformity with Christ. None of us here are at the end of our faith journey. All are welcome to come and grow with us.
In a sea of Spanish we seek to be an island of English. Our worship services and Bible studies and fellowship groups are all in English. This is not designed so that English speakers can isolate themselves from the broader Chilean community. We believe we are called to work and serve in Santiago and beyond. This is rather recognition that for many native English speakers (and those from other languages who are more comfortable in English than Spanish) it is more helpful to worship in one’s native tongue or style.
Even those who are in Santiago to learn Spanish often find it a restful break to converse again in English. Our regulars also include many who come to worship at SCC who are trying to learn English. And even our English speakers do not all agree on what flavor of English is the best (or is that flavour?). So, while we remain an English-speaking congregation, all are welcome.
For many who come to SCC, the 10:30 Sunday worship service is their primary connection. However, we are much more than a Sunday church. We have many Bible study, fellowship and service opportunities throughout the week.
We believe that God calls us to be part of a community where we can share our lives, our faith, and our struggles together. The apostle Paul describes Christians together as part of the body of Christ. Just like each part of the human body is unique but important, so each Christian in the body of Christ is different and important; we need all the parts of Christ’s body to be a whole community. Why not join us and be part of our growing community of faith?